To Watch over us!

Beautiful pictures are caught for the sake of the artist within.  What was I thinking of at the time? I can only say that East Texas Sunsets are amazing. As a viewer I could marvel at this or reflect as to what this reminds me of.  My memory may not be as accurate as some would want it to be, but trees over water remind me of safety and fun.
I was five or six years old at the time and one winter I was standing by a frozen pond up in East Greenwich, Rhode Island, watching others walk onto the pond and start ice skating.  Others were trying to maintain their balance as others helped them walk.  I was encouraged to step out onto the ice as well, but too cautious and remained alone the bank.  A few days later, one day I after school, I ventured down to the pond to see if it was still frozen.  Yes, is was.  But the ice has receded a bit from the bank.  So I needed a way to get out onto the ice.  There was nearby tree limb that hung out over the pond.  I jumped for the branch and swung out onto the ice. The feeling of being on top of the pond was short lived as the ice broke and I went down into the pond.  Thanks for roots from the tree, I was able to push back up and jump to shore.  Yes, the water was freezing, but I had layers on and was glad to be back on solid ground.


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