The Kingdom of God is at hand

Curious Lilly

I have always thought about getting another dog, and most of our past dogs have usually come to us as strays.  And like this little puppy, she has come to our neighborhood the same way.  Lilly has kept us busy, during the current 'social distancing' now enforced in our county. Because of her mix breeds, she is full of energy and speed that is impossible to keep up with and the constant curiosity of a child who wants to chew everything in sight. She also is learning to do her business outside and not in the house.
When we first come to the revelation about the things of God, we usually come to Him full of energy, similar to this little puppy and we go at things at break neck speed. When we see things that God is doing, we have a constant curiosity much like a child, wanting to understand all that God is doing and showing us. And unfortunately we tend to "poop" on the places, people and things God has given us until he teaches us where and whom to do it correctly.
I want to remember to be as childlike as possible and be always be full of energy, and not making a mess of relationships, and the things that God has entrusted to me. (Mark 10:14)


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