Looking Ahead and 5 Personal goals for 2020

If you’re anything like me, goal-setting and actually seeing the goal through to its end is two different things all together. There are a lot of good goal-setting ideas we have had and we mean well at first, but they’re also easy to get tired of.

One of the things I’ve wanted to do this year is to set better goals and write down all of my one year goals … and then rank the top 5. Then, I ask myself 4 follow-up questions for each goal. I write this down in a journal (and on my computer for easy reference) so I can access it quickly.

Here are the 4 follow-up questions as well as a few of my own personal goals for the coming year :-)
Why do you want to accomplish this goal?
What is the pain you will feel if you don’t accomplish this goal?
What is the pleasure you’ll get from accomplishing this goal?
How will accomplishing this goal contribute to others?

#1. Make exercise and healthy eating part of my lifestyle

A year ago this past August, I had a scare that turned out to be my “wake up call” in my life and ministry. And that was I had a Heart attack. A mild one, yet all the same enough to have three stents put into a major vein in my heart. Ministry is very demanding on every front: spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and physically. But I am more than my ministry in the same way that you are more than just your job.

I have found since I have been exercising I have more energy to do things and stay focused on the things that matter in my life and ministry.

I am doing three to four 20-30-minute Elliptical workouts a week. I have also added weight lifting and core exercises to maintain better weight.

I have also cut out as much carbs in my diet as well as salt and sugar.  I say “pretty much” cause I sometimes forget to check before I eat or the that extra pecan pie looked so good I could not refuse.

#2. Speak another Language fluently

Yes, that’s right! Speak and understand another language. Many of you know I have been learning the Korean language for the past four years now.  I can tell you that according to a few teaching websites that I have found say that Asian speaking languages to most English speaking learners is one of the most difficult language to learn and that it can take the average learner up to ten years to be able to speak it fluently.  My goal is that I will take less than eight years to be fluent.

#3. Pray and Share my Faith more

Now some people would ask me, Jonathan, don’t you do that already? And I would honestly have to say, “Yes, but not enough.”  With all that has been happening around the world and even here in America lately, I want to be more intentional with my time and the opportunities God lays out before to share with others what Jesus has done in my life. And if God is using others to proclaim him to the rest of the world as well, such as Kayne West, then shouldn’t we?

So, these are some of my goals for the upcoming year. I hope the 4 questions I shared earlier add value to your goal-setting process. On that note, I’d love to hear some of yours goals for the coming year.

Question: Do you have any goals for the upcoming year, or have a particular method to goal setting? Share below!


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