Looking Ahead and 5 Personal goals for 2020
If you’re anything like me, goal-setting and actually seeing the goal through to its end is two different things all together. There are a lot of good goal-setting ideas we have had and we mean well at first, but they’re also easy to get tired of. One of the things I’ve wanted to do this year is to set better goals and write down all of my one year goals … and then rank the top 5. Then, I ask myself 4 follow-up questions for each goal. I write this down in a journal (and on my computer for easy reference) so I can access it quickly. Here are the 4 follow-up questions as well as a few of my own personal goals for the coming year :-) Why do you want to accomplish this goal? What is the pain you will feel if you don’t accomplish this goal? What is the pleasure you’ll get from accomplishing this goal? How will accomplishing this goal contribute to others? #1. Make exercise and healthy eating part of my lifestyle A year ago this past August, I had a scare that turned out to b...