
Showing posts from June, 2020

The Day Before Tomorrow

or the Day after Yesterday The day is today and how one looks at it. With all the news that is being reported lately, it is the latter, but if it were up to me, I would want change my  way of thinking. Many songs have been written about the past, such as ‘Yesterday’ by Paul McCartney, who wrote a simple song of the choices made in the past and how we wish we could change those events that happened.   Maybe it is something we did, that we regret or something we wish we had said, but didn’t. I think many of us dwell in the past and want to continue to judge ourselves as to choices we wish we had to make better ones so we could have a better outcome in life.   We can’t change our past, but we can do our best to determine our future, as long as it is up to us. With all the events that are currently happening around the world and what the news media is talking about, it seems that most people are focusing on the ‘wrongs’ that people have done or to blame others for the ‘bad’ things that hav